How to be a preffered customer in 2021 & 2022

The C19 events have changed the world of procurement, setting up SRM processes differently than before. Having a good supplier, not having them far overseas and being a preferred customer is currently a big win.

Digital Transformation GEP & ASAHI

Ivana Ondruchova’s guests, Tomas Veit (ASAHI) and Franck Capron (GEP), will discuss digitization in one of the largest source-to-pay systems.

Comodity Strategy

CATEGORY MANAGEMENT is the strategic management of procurement processes and is based on the division of commodities for procurement into categories depending on the degree of importance, availability and risk.

Purchasing strategy creation

Do you have a purchasing strategy? Do you change it often? Is this an important codification for the purchasing team? Who is responsible for its creation? Does the purchasing strategy work even in times of crisis? Is the purchasing team involved in the process of its creation?